Back in Europe
Our adventure of slow travel, healthy living and paying it forward by house & pet sitting in exchange for accommodation continues.
Aug 2, 2024
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nomadic lifestyle
We are Ben and Linda
less possessions, more freedom
Consciously choosing a different life:
less possessions and more freedom.
We travel by bicycle or preferably by public transportation.
house and pet sitting
Besides our cycling and backpacking adventures we are
worldwide house and pet sitters since April 2023.
It is very special to live as a local at different places.
Are you looking for a sitter who offers 24/7 pet care?
Please contact us.
Looking forward to meet you in a video call.
Pay it forward
To do something in return for all the hospitality we receive, we give direct and local help to people and animals.
We also support nature projects.
You can also find us on: